O, mare zi, scumpă zi
Versuri Ascunde Acorduri Acorduri Arată Acorduri
E-o mare zi-n istorie,
Moartea ai înfrânt și sunt salvat,
Voi cânta: „Isus este viu!”
E crucea și mormântul gol,
Viață nouă Tu mi-ai câștigat!
Să strigăm: „Isus este viu, El e viu!”
O, mare zi, fericită zi,
Când păcatul mi-ai spălat!
O, mare zi, fericită zi,
Pe veci eu sunt schimbat!
Când am să stau în locul sfânt,
Voi putea Fața să-Ți privesc.
Sunt al Tău, Isus, ești al meu!
Pace fără de sfârșit,
Suferința ai zdrobit,
Acum celebrăm: Isus este viu, El e viu!
O, glorioasă zi
Și-n ce mod minunat
Tu m-ai salvat!
O, glorioasă zi,
Când Tu m-ai salvat,
O, glorioasă zi
Și-n ce mod minunat
Tu m-ai salvat!
O, glorioasă zi,
Când Tu m-ai salvat,
S1 R S2 R B1 B2 Rx2
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Matei 28:5-6
Versiunea Originală

Oh Happy Day

The greatest day in history, Death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out Jesus is alive
The empty cross, The empty grave
Life eternal You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive
He's alive

Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed

When I stand, in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours Jesus You are mine
Endless joy, perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate Jesus is alive
He's alive

Oh what a glorious day
What a glorious way
That You have saved me
Oh what a glorious day
What a glorious name

Povestea din Spate (EN)

"There's a theologian at HTB, Graham Tomlin, who once told me that there are very few contemporary songs about the resurrection. It was Easter time... and he was telling me that there are lots of songs about the cross but less about Jesus being alive. So that really got me thinking - and I was actually reading this book, and it had this quote from Michelangelo. He laid out a challenge to fellow artists who depict Christ in His death. He said, 'Paint Him instead the Lord of life'. I remember one morning just jamming around with my guitar and I started singing out some of these lines and pretty quickly, it all came together. So in one sense, it was that this is an amazing truth that we need to sing, and celebrate that Jesus is alive and that makes all the difference."

--Tim Hughes for christianitytoday.com