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My Jesus I Love Thee
by William Ralph Featherstone
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
Public Domain
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission
My Jesus I Love Thee is a poem written by William Ralph Featherston around 1864. Featherston is said to have been either 12 or 16 years old when he wrote the poem. In 1876 Adoniram Gordon added music to it. Featherston died at the age of 27, well before his poem had become a well-known inspirational hymn. The poem is believed to have been Featherston's only publicly published work.
According to Tim Challies,
Not much is known about Featherston, except that he attended a Methodist church in Montreal, that he was young when he wrote the poem (12 or 16 years old), and that he died at just 27 years of age. One story about how the poem became public is that Featherston mailed it to his aunt in Los Angeles who, upon reading it, quickly sought its publication... It wasn’t until several years after Featherston’s death that Adoniram Judson Gordon (founder of Gordon College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) added a melody and published it in his book of hymns, thus forever transforming this poem to a song.
A Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Michigan once related the following incident to a large audience in one of the Rev. E. P. Hammond’s meetings in St. Louis. “A young, talented and tender-hearted actress was passing along the street of a large city. Seeing a pale, sick girl lying upon a couch just within the half-open door of a beautiful dwelling, she entered, with the thought that by her vivacity and pleasant conversation she might cheer the young invalid. The sick girl was a devoted Christian, and her words, her patience, her submission and heaven-lit countenance, so demonstrated the spirit of her religion that the actress was led to give some earnest thought to the claims of Christianity, and was thoroughly converted, and became a true follower of Christ. She told her father, the leader of the theater troupe, of her conversion, and of her desire to abandon the stage, stating that she could not live a consistent Christian life and follow the life of an actress. Her father was astonished beyond measure, and told his daughter that their living would be lost to them and their business ruined, if she persisted in her resolution. Loving her father dearly, she was shaken somewhat in her purpose, and partially consented to fill the published engagement to be met in a few days. She was the star of the troupe, and a general favorite. Every preparation was made for the play in which she was to appear. The evening came and the father rejoiced that he had won back his daughter, and that their living was not to be lost. The hour arrived; a large audience had assembled. The curtain rose, and the young actress stepped forward firmly amid the applause of the multitude. But an unwonted light beamed from her beautiful face. Amid the breathless silence of the audience, she repeated:
‘My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.’
This was all. Through Christ she had conquered and, leaving the audience in tears, she retired from the stage, never to appear upon it again. Through her influence her father was converted, and through their united evangelistic labors many were led to God.”
Al meu ești, Isuse! este o poezie compusă de William Ralph Featherston în jurul anului 1864. Se spune că Featherston avea în jur de 12-16 ani, când a scris poezia. În 1876 Adoniram Gordon a adăugat partea de melodie. Featherston a murit la vârsta de 27 de ani, cu mult inainte ca poezia lui să devină un imn bine cunoscut. Se crede că această poeziea fost singura publicație publică a lui Featherston.
După Tim Challies,
Nu se știu prea multe despre Featherston cu excepția faptului că mergea la o biserică metodistă din Montreal, a fost tânar când a compus această poezie și că a murit la vârsta de 27 de ani. Una dintre istorisirile privind publicarea poeziei spune că Featherston a trimis poezia, matușii lui din Los Angelos care la citirea acesteaia a dat-o pentru a fii bublicată, imediat. Doar, câțiva ani, după moartea lui Featherston a adăugat Judson Gordon (fondator al Gordon College și al Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) melodie poeziei și a publicat-o în cartea lui de imnuri, transformând această poezie pentru totdeauna într-o cântare.
Un episcop protestant din Michigan a povestit o dată următoarea intâmplare în una dintre întâlnirile lui Rev. E. P Hammond din St. Louis: "O tânără, actriță, talentată, cu inima miloasă, trecea pe strada unui mare oraș. Văzând o palidă, fată, bolnavă, care stătea pe o canapea, a vrut să o încurajeze pe tânăra invalidă printr-o conversație plăcută. Tânăra fată era o creștină devotată, iar răbdarea, smerenia și atmosfera cerească pe care o crea, au condus actrița la a contempla ceea ce înseamnă creștinismul și astfel la conversia acesteia, devenind un adevărat urmaș al lui Christos.
I-a spus tatălui ei, conducătorul trupei de teatru, despre conversia ei și despre dorința ei de a părasii scena, explicându-i că nu poate duce o viață de credință și o viață de actorie în același timp. Tatăl ei a fost uimit peste măsură și i-a spus fiicei lui că fără ea, cariera lor s-ar duce de râpă. Iubindu-și tatăl, hotărârea ei a fost amânată pentru puțin timp. S-au făcut multe pregătiri pentru piesa în care urma să joace. Seara a venit, iar tatăl era foarte fericit că-și recâștigase fiica. La ora începerii spectacolului, mulți s-au strâns. S-a ridicat draperia, iar tânăra a pășit ferm în aplauzele mulțimii, dar de pe fața ei, frumoasă strălucea o lumină neobișnuită. În tăcerea fără suflare a tutror a rostit:
Al meu ești, Isuse; ce mult Te iubesc!
A lumii plăcere eu n-o mai doresc.
Tu ești Salvatorul și Te prețuiesc,
De-acum, o, Isuse, nespus Te iubesc!
Aceasta a fost tot. Prin Christos a biruit și părăsind scena în lacrimi, a renunțat pentru todeauna la scenă. Prin exemplul său, s-a convertit și tatăl ei, iar prin munca unită de slujire a celor doi, mulți au fost aduși la Dumnezeu. "