O Doamne, strig în clipa grea
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O, Doamne, strig în clipa grea: privește slăbiciunea mea,
Scăpare dă-mi cu mâna Ta; cum sunt primește-mă!
Cum sunt, primește-mă, cum sunt primește-mă,
Tu ești Mântuitorul meu, cum sunt primește-mă!
Păcatul mă apasă greu; Te rog, mă scapă de cel rău!
Doresc de-acum să fiu al Tău, cum sunt primește-mă!
Putere, râvnă îmi lipsesc, încât și ceea ce doresc
Precum aș vrea nu-ndeplinesc; cum sunt primește-mă!
Te-aștept acum ca un sărac, dar nu sunt Doamne, disperat
Știind că Tu ești îndurat; cum sunt primește-mă!
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Ioan 6:37 Psalmul 18:3
Versiunea Originală

Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry;
Unless Thou help me I must die;
Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh,
And take me as I am.


And take me as I am,
And take me as I am,
My only plea—Christ died for me!
Oh, take me as I am.

Helpless I am, and full of guilt;
But yet for me Thy blood was spilt,
And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt,
And take me as I am.


No preparation can I make,
My best resolves I only break,
Yet save me for Thine own Name’s sake,
And take me as I am.


Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet,
Deal with me as Thou seest meet;
Thy work begin, Thy work complete,
And take me as I am.


Povestea din Spate (EN)

Years ago, while re­viv­al meet­ings were be­ing held in one of the large towns in Scot­land, a young girl be­came anx­ious about her spir­it­u­al con­di­tion. Re­turn­ing from one of the meet­ings, she went to her own min­is­ter and asked him how she might be saved.

“Ah, lass­ie,” he said, “don’t be alarmed! Just read your Bi­ble and say your pray­ers, and you will be all right.”

But the poor, il­lit­er­ate girl cried out: “O Min­is­ter, I can­na read, I can­na pray! Lord Je­sus, take me as I am!”

In this way the girl became a fol­low­er of Christ; and a la­dy who heard of the girl’s ex­per­i­ence wrote this hymn…I found the vers­es in a re­li­gious news­pa­per and set them to the sim­ple mu­sic by which they are now most gen­er­al­ly known. At the same time Mr. Steb­bins al­so found the vers­es and set them to mu­sic, and he sent them to me at the same time that I was send­ing my tune for the same words to him. In “Gos­pel Hymns” both tunes are pub­lished.

A min­is­ter in Eng­land writes to me about a Christ­ian wo­man, a shoe­mak­er’s wife, who had a lodg­er that was an ob­stin­ate un­be­liev­er. “The good wo­man oft­en tried to in­duce him to go to meet­ings, but in vain. Tracts which she placed on the ta­ble in his room she found crushed on the floor. She would smooth them out and again place them so as to at­tract his at­ten­tion, but he would read no­thing but his no­vels and news­pa­pers. One spring the old man fell ill with bron­chi­tis. The good wo­man act­ed as his nurse, for he had no rel­a­tives who cared for him. She used the op­por­tun­i­ty, oft­en speak­ing to him about his soul and read­ing the Word of God; but she could make no im­press­ion up­on him. One day she was read­ing the hymn ‘Je­sus, my Lord, to Thee I cry,’ and when she came to the re­frain, the old man called out to her sharply: ‘That’s not in the book!’ The wo­man an­swered, ‘Why yes, it is.’ He de­clared again that he did not be­lieve it was in the book. The good wo­man told him that he could read it for him­self. He asked for his glass­es, and read with won­der and amaze­ment, again and again, ‘My on­ly plea—Christ died for me! oh, take me as I am.’ A few weeks af­ter­ward he said to the wo­man one morn­ing, ‘I am go­ing home to-day, and I am so hap­py, so hap­py!’ In an hour or two he passed away, re­peat­ing those words to the last.”

Sankey, pp. 252-3