Cântecul revelației
(Prin cântec, Te laud)
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Vrednic Miel e
Domnul slavei
Sfânt e, sfânt e doar
Să-i cântăm dar,
Celui ce-n veci stă
Pe al milei
Sfânt e, sfânt e, sfânt e
Domnul Atotputernic,
Ce-a fost și este și va
Îi cântă universul:
Slăvit să fii Isus!
Ești tot ce am mai bun,
cântec, Te laud.
Îmbrăcat ești în lumină
Ne umpli viața cu măreție.
Putere, onoare, glorie
Lauda a Ta va fi!
Ești Rege azi și-n veșnicii!
Cuprins de teamă
Și de uimire,
Când rostesc Numele tău.
În Tine e putere,
Suflare, apă vie,
Minunea vieții mele ești!
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Ezechiel 1:26 - 28
Versiunea Originală

Revelation Song

Worthy is the,
Lamb who was slain
Holy, holy, is He
Sing a new song
to Him who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat

Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything,
And I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows
Of living color
Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and
Glory and power be
To You the only wise King

Filled with wonder
Awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your name is power
Breath, and living water
Such a marvelous mystery

Povestea din Spate (EN)

I gave my life to Jesus back in 1988. There was a new song out at the time entitled, “I Hear Angels” by Garrit Gustafson. The lyrics read:

“I hear angels singing praises, I see men from every nation, bowing down before the throne… like the sound of many waters… like the rushing wind around us… multitudes join the song… and a symphony of praise arises… tears are wiped away from eyes as men from every tongue and tribe all sing…. Holy, holy… God almighty… who was, and is, and is to come…”

I remember looking up and around asking, “Where God? I want to see and hear that too!” Those prophetic words from Mr. Gustafson took residence within me, became the lullaby sung over each of my children, and fueled an earnest, decade long prayer to see multitudes gathered around the throne.

Back in 1999, I had just changed my 20,446th diaper (yes… I count… don’t you? ), and began singing the aforementioned lullaby over my fourth son, Andrew, as we cuddled in our blue chair. My keyboard was broken down, and I simply didn’t have the energy to set it up; it had been a really tough “mommy” day. The guitar (which I didn’t really play) was accessible, my spaghetti dinner was begging to be cooked and calling my name… but so was the Holy Spirit. I, again, began telling Him how much I wanted to SEE and HEAR all creation worshipping Him. The songs being sung by the Bride at that time were focusing on need. My heart longed to focus on something far greater than my need, knowing that all needs would be satisfied with just one glimpse of Him.

Therefore, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me write a song that painted Him; a song that the angels and creation were already singing, so that we could join in with One Voice, as One Bride, to One King. My heart recalled Ezekiel 1:26-28 and Revelation 4.
I put the baby down to play with his toys, picked up the guitar, and began to play four chords I had figured out how to play the day before. Immersed in those scriptures, the Lord helped me paint what I was seeing through those passages," Clothed in rainbows of living color, flashes of lightening, rolls of thunder..." The melody stuck. It had the sound of heaven in it. The song wouldn’t leave me and I sang it for weeks. I can still hear the Lord whispering to me that He would carry this song across the world. I remember thinking how cool it was going to be to have a couple of my missionary friends carry it to the natives in the bush to be sung around campfires. I had no idea…
“Revelation Song” has taken on a life of its own, and it has been an intense joy to watch the Father “grow it up”, and to hear the Voice of the Bride sing to Jesus; Her voice is so lovely. I often get asked the song story, and even more often, the question of “how” it got “out there” comes up. My only answer is that God chooses what He chooses. No amount of maneuvering, strategical posturing, or pitching would have gotten my music “out there”… whatever that means. I remember telling Jesus with complete sincerity that I could wait until I got to heaven to hear my song sung (although, I also suggested that it would be a terrific song for the angels and great cloud of witnesses to sing when He comes back for us… In the event that He had not already chosen one for the occasion, I didn’t think it would hurt to ask!).
