Cerul Tu deschide-l
Versuri Ascunde Acorduri Acorduri Arată Acorduri
Cu toții ne-adunăm dorind să ne-nchinăm,
Numele-Ți chemăm!
Cu slava Ta de foc, prezent în acest loc,
Tu vrei să ne transformi.
În prezența Ta stăm,
Pentru Tine cântăm toți.
Cerul Tu deschide-l să Te vedem azi,
Slava Ta coboară, un râu ce curge
Din inima Ta umple pe deplin lauda.
Aici prezent Tu ești, cu slavă ne umbrești
Privim spre cer din nou.
Cu slavă Te cobori, ca umbra unui nor
Și ochii ni-i deschizi.
Doamne, arată-Ți slava, gloria, toată puterea
Doamne, arată-Ți slava Ta.
Doamne, arată-Ți slava,
Gloria, toată puterea
Doamne, arată-Ți slava Ta.
S1 R1 R2 S2 B
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Exod 33:9 Exod 33:18 Matei 3:16 Psalmi 22:3 2 Corinteni 3:18
Versiunea Originală

Open Up the Heavens
by Andi Rozier, James McDonald, Jason Ingram, Meredith Andrews

We've waited for this day
We're gathered in your name
Calling out to you
Your glory like a fire
Awakening desire
Will burn our hearts with truth

You're the reason we're here
You're the reason we're singing

Open up the heavens
We want to see you
Open up the floodgates
A mighty river
Flowing from your heart
Filling every part of our praise

Your presence in this place
Your glory on our face
We're looking to the sky
Descending like a cloud
You're standing with us now
Lord, unveil our eyes

You're the reason we're here
You're the reason we're singing

[Repeat Chorus]

Show us, show us your glory
Show us, show us your power
Show us, show us your glory, Lord

[Repeat Chorus]

Povestea din Spate (EN)

[...]"'Open Up The Heavens' is a song that we at our church open up the service with and just say 'God have your way. Do what you want to do here and show us your glory,'" said Andrews on her latest offering to radio, a song that's been impacting church services since its inception in December 2011. "My pastor, James MacDonald, did a sermon series talking about the glory of God and how we were made for that. Sometimes we just get distracted when really it's about seeking the Lord, seeing the arms of the Lord and then running after Him and wanting more of Him and His glory. 'Lord show us your glory' is a big theme in our church and it is a prayer in my own heart as well."

Source: jesusfreakhideout.com