Vine-o zi
Versuri Ascunde Acorduri Acorduri Arată Acorduri
Într-o zi va fi totul nou, Isus
Rănile ce dor vei lega
Toate trec, doar Tu-n veci rămâi
Domnul meu!
Totul voi pricepe-ntr-o zi, Isus
Orice îndoieli vor muri;
Toată teama o voi lăsa
În urma mea. -
Când în cer vom ajunge
O, ce zi glorioasă-atunci va fi
Când vom fi cu Isus
Fața Lui o vom privi!
Într-o zi Îl vom întâlni pe Isus
Copleșiți de-al Sau mare har
Și într-o clipă vom fi schimbați/x3
O, ce zi!
Vine o zi când liberi vom fi, Isus
Când lupta noastră se va sfârși
Gloria Ta atunci vom vedea.
O, ce zi!
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Apocalipsa 21:4 1 Corinteni 2:9 Apocalipsa 21:15-17
Versiunea Originală

One day You'll make everything new, Jesus
One day You will bind every wound
The former things shall all pass away
No more tears

One day You'll make sense of it all, Jesus
One day every question resolved
Every anxious thought left behind
No more fear

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory

One day we will see face to face, Jesus
Is there a greater vision of grace
And in a moment, we shall be changed
On that day

And one day we'll be free, free indeed, Jesus
One day all this struggle will cease
And we will see Your glory revealed
On that day

And when we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory
Yes, when we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
And when we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory

Oh one day, one day

Yes, one day we will see face to face, Jesus
Is there a greater vision of grace?
And in a moment, we shall be changed
Yes, in a moment, we shall be changed
In a moment, we shall be changed
On that day

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory
We'll sing and shout the victory

We will weep no more
No more tears, no more shame
No more struggle, no more
Walking through the valley of the shadow
No cancer, no depression
Just the brightness of Your glory
Just the wonder of Your grace
Everything as it was meant to be
All of this will change
When we see You face to face
Jesus, face to face