Numele Tău Îl înălțăm
Fie-mpărăția Ta în lauda noastră
Ca popor al Tău Ție ne închinăm!
Cel care-ai fost, ești și în veci vei fi.
Binecuvântat, Atotputernic,
Tu vei domni în veci.
Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty
Father in heaven, how we love you.
We lift your Name in all the earth.
May your kingdom, be established in our praises,
As your people declare your mighty works.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is, and is, to come.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
Who reigns forever more.
Father in heaven, how we love you.
We lift your Name in all the earth.
May your kingdom, be established in our praises,
As your people declare your mighty works.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is, and is, to come.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
Who reigns forever more.
In 1981, Fitts left his worship leading position in California to follow what he and his wife Kathy recognized as the prompting of the Lord. They packed a few belongings and took their infant and toddler to Kona, to join YWAM. In Kona, they found themselves involved in a work quite different from what they had originally been told. They felt disappointed, and maybe even a little betrayed.
Their living conditions were, to say the least, "interesting," says Fitts. "They have houses over here called 'coffee shacks,'" he explains, laughing. "These are basically old buildings that were built for coffee farmers." To put it simply, poverty in paradise, with two small children, was no luau for the Fitts. "I'd pretty much gotten to the end of my rope," he says. One day, he was asked to sing and play a special number at a local church. Fitts accepted the offer, but his confidence and creativity were at low ebb. He couldn't even think of a song to play. "I was discouraged," he says, remembering how he thought, "maybe I'll just write a song." Picking up his guitar, he began to touch the strings and sing. "Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty" was birthed on the spot. "The song just came," says Fitts. "Really in five or 10 minutes." He sensed the hand of God in the song and decided to play it at church the following morning. Unfortunately, the song slipped from his mind. Worse, he had failed to record it. "So I got up in front of this church, trying to sing it, and basically faked it the whole way through," he says, chuckling as he recalls the incident. The song, though, would not be silenced. "On the way home from church, it came back to me," Fitts explains. "I went home and put it on a cassette."