Isus e Rege
Al Tău nume e înălțat, Isus
Pe întreg pământ
Nume puternic și măreț
Plin de glorie și e sfânt
În El sunt salvat
Isus e Rege, vrednic de laudă
Domn peste toate, nimeni nu este ca El
Isus e mare, Sfânt și înălțat,
Alfa Omega nimeni nu este ca El
Nume de viață plin
Tu trăiești în noi, ooo,
Prin al Său nume biruim
Prin El victoria primim
Ce nume minunat
El Domnul vieții, înălțat
Prin moarte ne-a răscumpărat
Fie lăudat
Orice genunchi se va pleca
De aceea veșnic vom cânta
Isus Hristos e Domn
El e Domn, Isus
Domn preasfânt, Isus
Tu ești Sfânt, Isus,
Oooo, Isus
Isus, El e Sfânt
Isus, Tu ești Sfânt
Isus, Oooo, Isus
Oooo, Isus, Isus, Isus
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Versiunea Originală

Hmmm, oh oh ooh
The name of Jesus, eeh
Eeh! Higher than other name
Higher than other name, eeh

How majestic is Your name, oh Lord
In all the earth
Your name is strong and mighty
Your name is glorious and great
In Him we're saved

The name of Jesus higher than other names
King of all Kings, no other name like His
The name of Jesus higher than other names
Alpha and Omega, no other name like His

Your name like sweet perfume
Poured upon my soul, yeah
In Your name we overcome
In His name there's victory
His name is powerful

The name of Jesus higher than other names
King of all Kings, no other name like His
The name of Jesus higher than other names
Alpha and Omega, no other name like His

The name of Jesus higher than other names
King of all Kings, no other name like His
The name of Jesus higher than other names
Alpha and Omega, no other name like His

Every other god they are deader than dead
Jesus died and rose again
We lift Him higher
In Your name every knee shall bow
In Your name all men are saved
We call upon the name

Call His name
Call that name
Call that name
Ohohoh Jesus
Call that name
Mighty God
Ohohoh Jesus

Ohohoh Jesus
You can call that name
In every situation
Whatever it is, however it is
Ohohoh Jesus