Grație a lui Isus
Grație a lui Isus, cum pot să te descriu?
Am fost mort în păcate, dar azi prin har sunt viu.
Tu mi-ai luat povara și m-ai eliberat,
Minunată iubire Isus mi-a arătat!
Minunată grație-a lui Isus,
Mai adâncă decât marea ești!
Grație, tu ai venit spre a mă salva!
Mai cuprinzătoare decât mintea,
Ești mai mare ca păcatul meu,
O, laudă minunatul nume, Isus, slavă Lui!
Grație a lui Isus, fost-am prin ea iertat;
Lanțurile-au fost rupte, iar eu eliberat.
Dragostea Sa nespusă multe comori mi-a dat
Minunată iubire Isus mi-a arătat!
Grație a lui Isus, iartă pe întinat,
Cer cu pământ unește prin harul Său bogat.
Cerul drept moștenire pentru vecii ne-a dat,
Minunată iubire Isus mi-a arătat!
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Evrei 4:16 2 Corinteni 12:9 Tit 2:11-14
Versiunea Originală

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Greater than all my sin;
How shall my tongue describe it,
Where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden,
Setting my spirit free;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
Greater far than all my sin and shame,
O magnify the precious Name of Jesus.
Praise His Name!

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching to all the lost,
By it I have been pardoned,
Saved to the uttermost,
Chains have been torn asunder,
Giving me liberty;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching the most defiled,
By its transforming power,
Making him God’s dear child,
Purchasing peace and heaven,
For all eternity;
And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Povestea din Spate (EN)

The writer of the hymn Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Haldor Lillenas, was born in Norway and immigrated to the United States when he was a small child.
Converted to Christianity at the age of 21, he entered Bible college and later became an elder and a pastor in the Nazarene church. He obtained his musical training through personal and correspondence study. He and his wife, Bertha, worked as evangelists for a time, traveling the country.

Later, he settled down in Illinois and bought himself a used organ for the extravagant sum of $5. They didn't have much money at the time. He composed Wonderful Grace of Jesus on that organ and made - you guessed it - $5 on the sale of the hymn.

In 1924, he founded Lillenas Publishing Company which later became Nazarene Publishing Company. He worked there for 20 years as an editor. Like many other hymn composers, he was prolific. Together, he and his wife wrote over 4000 hymns.
In 1982, he was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame.

While the tune may lend itself to being played uptempo, in a bubbly sort of fashion, Lillenas himself cautioned about the hymn begin played too fast. He wanted it to be slower so that everyone could focus on the the wonderful grace of Jesus.
