Cel Minunat, Salvatorul
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Cel Minunat, Salvatorul
Sfântul Prieten și Domn,
Cine-a crezut că e Mielul
Ce moare pentru om?
O, da, ce moare pentru om.
Mângâietor și Lumină,
Duh după care tânjim
Când ne luptam plini de temeri,
Ne-ai dat nădejdi și-alin,
O, da, ne-ai dat nădejdi și-alin.
Tu ești Cel vrednic de slavă,
Cel vrednic de-a fi iubit,
Noi însetăm după Tine,
Viață ne-ai dăruit,
O, da, viață ne-ai dăruit!
Atotputernic Părinte,
Tu ne-ai iubit din vecii.
Din slăbiciune și moarte
Ne-ai înălțat ca fii,
O, da, ne-ai înălțat ca fii.
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Romani 8:26 Ioan 1:29 Ioan 14:16-17 1 Ioan 3:1
Versiunea Originală

Words and music by Dawn Rodgers & Eric Wyse

Wonderful, merciful Savior,
Precious Redeemer, and Friend,
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men?
Oh, you rescue the souls of men.

Counselor, Comforter, Keeper,
Spirit we long to embrace;
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way,
Oh, we hopelessly lost the way.

You are the One that we praise,
You are the One we adore,
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for;
Oh, our hearts always hunger for.

Almighty, infinite Father,
Faithfully loving Your own;
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne,
Oh, we’re falling before Your throne.

Povestea din Spate (EN)

Sometime in 1989 while sitting at the piano playing through a hymnbook during a time of personal devotion, a melody began to form in the mind and heart of Dawn Rodgers. “It seemed to write itself,” she stated, indicating that the melody was never changed from that day. During the course of the week that followed, the lyrics for the song began to take shape. Originally titled “Wonderful, Wonderful Savior,” her desire was to have each stanza focus on a Person of the Trinity.

Dawn’s friend at the time and later to be her husband, Eric, suggested that the title would be stronger if changed to its present one.
The first two stanzas on the Savior and Comforter were completed when the hymn was first sung in a worship service Dawn and Eric were leading at their church. Scheduled during the offertory, the uncompleted third stanza remained elusive. However, during the sermon it began to take form and was completed in time.

The pastor, Scotty Smith, was so moved by the song that he requested they sing it again at the conclusion of the service, teaching it to the congregation until they really knew it. Since that time, the congregation at Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee still uses the hymn regularly and considers it “their” song.

The tune name VINE RIDGE was chosen by Rodgers; it was the name of the street (Vine Ridge Drive) in the Hillwood neighborhood of Nashville where she resided when the music was composed.

-adapted from THIS IS MY STORY, THIS IS MY SONG, by Danny R. Jones, 2007
