Am o carte ce-o iubesc
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Am o carte ce-o iubesc.
Deși-i veche-o prețuiesc,
Căci pruncia-mi amintește tot mereu.
Pe genunchii mamei stam,
Pe cap mâna cald-aveam,
Și-mi citea din Cuvântul Lui Dumnezeu.
Scumpă carte, Sfăntă carte,
Filele-ți înlăcrimat eu le citesc.
Cum merg pe calea crucii,
Mi-ești mai dulce zi de zi,
Căci tu mă conduci la locul sfânt, ceresc.
De Isus ea mi-a vorbit,
Cum pe cruce a pătimit
Și-astfel nouă mântuire-n dar ne-a dat.
Iar când lacrima-mi curgea,
Ea duios mă săruta
Și-mi spunea că și pentru mine-a răbdat.
Scumpă carte, Sfăntă carte,
Filele-ți înlăcrimate le citesc.
Cum merg pe calea crucii,
Mi-ești mai dulce zi de zi,
Căci tu mă conduci la locul sfânt, ceresc.
Zilele-acelea s-au dus,
Dar le prețuiesc nespus.
De atunci Biblia mamei m-a-nvățat
Să fiu bun, curat, cinstit,
Și-astfel mă simt fericit
Și aici și-n cer sus când voi fi-nălțat.
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Versiunea Originală

My Mother's Bible

There's a dear and precious Book,
Though it's worn and faded now,
Which recalls those happy days of long ago,
When I stood at mother's knee,
With her hand upon my brow,
And I heard her voice in gentle tones and low.


Blessèd Book, precious Book,
On thy dear old tear stained leaves I love to look;
Thou art sweeter day by day, as I walk the narrow way
That leads at last to that bright home above.

As she read the stories o'er
Of those mighty men of old,
Of Joseph and of Daniel and their trials,
Of little David bold,
Who became a king at last,
Of Satan and his many wicked wiles.


Then she read of Jesus' love,
As He blessed the children dear,
How He suffered, bled and died upon the tree;
Of His heavy load of care,
Then she dried my flowing tears
With her kisses as she said it was for me.


Well, those days are past and gone,
But their memory lingers still
And the dear old Book each day has been my guide;
And I seek to do His will,
As my mother taught me then,
And ever in my heart His Words abide.
