Rătăceam în păcat și-n pierzare
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Rătăceam în păcat și-n pierzare,
Eram singur în noapte, străin,
Dar Bunul Păstor, cu-n-durare,
M-a găsit și mi-a dat Har din plin.
Bunătatea, 'ndurarea mă vor însoți
Zi de zi, zi de zi-n viața mea!
Bunătatea, 'ndurarea mă vor însoți
Zi de zi, zi de zi-n viața mea!
Cu blândețe El mă-nviorează,
Și putere îmi dă zi de zi.
La ape tot El mă conduce,
Mă păzește de orice-ar veni.
Când străbat Valea umbrelor morții,
El și-atunci îmi rămâne Păstor
Mă poartă cu Mâna Lui tare,
Spre Limanul dincolo de nor.
Și voi trăi veșnic în Casa Domnului meu,
La Masa Lui, în Mărire voi cina;
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Psalmi 23
Versiunea Originală

Surely Goodness And Mercy

A pilgrim was I, and a wandering,
In the cold night of sin I did roam,
When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me,
And now I am on my way home.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life;
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever,
And I shall feast at the table spread for me;
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

He restoreth my soul when I’m weary,
He giveth me strength day by day;
He leads me beside the still waters,
He guards me each step of the way.

When I walk through the dark lonesome valley,
My savior will walk with me there;
And safely His great hand will lead me
To the mansions He’s gone to prepare

Povestea din Spate (EN)

The authors of this hymn wrote these words in 1958. Mr. Peterson was 37 years old and Mr. Smith was 42 years old at the time – what some might call the “prime of their life” while others might say they were still a little “wet behind the ears.” In my hymn devotional, “Amazing Grace” by Kenneth Osbeck, he notes that the authors were still alive when his devotion was published in 1990, but they both have since passed away. John Peterson passed away in 2006, and Alfred Smith passed away in 2001. Both men were 85 years old when they died. Ken Osbeck’s book did not have many details about Mr. Peterson or Mr. Smith’s personal background. I wondered to myself – Does their testimony in the 1950’s in the prime of their life that “goodness and mercy would follow them all the days of their lives” carry as much meaning as someone who has lived to their 80’s or 90’s? Can someone testify in their early years of the truth of Psalm 23 – that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life? The answer to that question is a resounding “Yes.” Why? Because our faith in God is not based solely on our experience. Yes, we will go through high’s and lows in this life, and yes, God will show Himself faithful during all periods of life. But the truth of Scripture remains true whether we have fully experienced it or not. These two men could testify to goodness and mercy being part of their lives at any age because they were confident in the truth of God’s Holy Word.

Source: hymnoftheweek.net